Tuesday, October 22

Yes, we do!  Join Lexington nature photographer Janet James as she shares her multi-year adventure into orchidelirium with photos of our state’s exquisite, rare, and charismatic native orchids. She will show how their features are unique among Kentucky wildflowers, where they are found, and challenges of photographing them.  

We are excited to invite you to a special presentation by Janet James, a photographer and orchid enthusiast. Last year, you may recall, Janet did an excellent presentation on Botany as Art: Photography in an Urban Forest, featuring her photos from the Kentucky Arboretum.This event will showcase the stunning beauty and diversity of Kentucky’s native orchids through captivating photographs and insightful commentary.

This month’s photo contest is about “Feet”.

Figure out what that means, find a good photo and submit to joedietz@aol.com no later than October 21, 2024.

Join us Tuesday night October 22 at 7 PM at CKCS as Janet James describes her Orchid Journey.

Invite a friend!