2024 Annual “Hall-of-Fame”

Tuesday, July 23 at 7 p.m.

July brings about our annual “Hall-of-Fame” photo contest.                    

This year we have interesting topics for our annual photo contest. Based on your recommendations, the three topics for this year are: Bridges, Cemeteries, Lexington Icons. The contest will be at the Tuesday, July 23, 2024, SIG meeting at CKCS. Let your imagination be your guide.

This year we are asking members to leave their winning pictures with us! We will display the winners in the meeting room.

In order to submit images:  

  • Be a member of CKCS
  • No photos that have been submitted in previous contests at CKCS can be used.
  • Each member can submit a maximum of three pictures.  They can all be in one category or spread among the three categories. 
  • Picture and matte or digital frame (if used) can be no larger than 8 ½ by 11 inches.
  • No Foam Board (they are hard to hang)
  • NO hard frames – digital frames are ok.
  • With each picture be sure to include on the back of the picture your name, your e-mail address, the name of the picture, and the category you want the picture.

Take your pictures to CKCS no later than 4 PM on Monday, July 22. Office hours are from 10-4 Monday through Thursday. The office volunteer will place them in the mailroom CKCS Photo Contest drawer.

Each attendee will be able to vote for the top three pictures of each category and the Best-of-Show. Awards will be given for “Best of Show” and firstsecond and third place for each category.  

Winners will be announced in CKCS newsletter.

Thanks for all your support!  See you at 7 p.m. at CKCS on Tuesday July 23. 

And don’t forget to bring a snack to share!

Join us at CKCS at 160 Moore Drive on Tuesday night July 23 @ 7 PM. Bring a friend. — Joe